BOX15 Interior Upscaling | Blog



Choosing the kitchen storage system for your space

When it comes to kitchen storage, we like to give Box 15 customers plenty of choice. However, we also like...
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Novel desk legs and why you need them

Desk legs may sound like a straightforward necessity, but choosing the right desk legs can add a whole new dimension...
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The real reason extendable tables are more popular than ever

Extendable tables are growing in popularity. There are two main reasons why more people are investing in an extendable table....
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The popular extending table that’s perfect at any height

Our OKEY DOKEY extending table is a popular choice among our customers. It may sound like a strange name for...
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Interior Upscaling – what is it and why is it so important?

Box 15 are interior upscaling specialists. However, you don’t come across the phrase interior upscaling every day – so what...
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Create efficient workflows in your hybrid office with the right set up

So many offices these days offer hybrid working. Part of the week at home, part in the office. But this...
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5 rules to achieve the perfect Microsoft Teams video call set up

A few years ago, a video call was an exception; a source of excitement in a calendar of wall-to-wall in-person...
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24-hour chairs and posture chairs. What makes them so comfortable?

Ever wondered what makes a 24-hour chair a 24-hour chair? I did. Until I tested the Ermal Plus Posture Chair...
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7 quick and easy steps to installing the Milan pop-up socket

Fitting the Milan pop-up socket couldn’t be easier. With so many different styles and configuration options, the Milan pop-up socket...
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The stylish, easy to fit pop-up socket that takes power where it’s needed

The Milan pop-up socket is an easy to fit socket extension that can help you deliver power to exactly where it’s needed....
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How to make every workday productive

At the start of any new year, it’s great to reflect on how you can do things differently; how to deliver more and be happier. So, before we return to work in January, here are some tips we’ve collated from entrepreneurs, business leaders and life coaches on how to make every workday a productive one so you can get more out of your 2023.

Plan your day the night before

Making every workday productive doesn’t have to start in the morning. Get things lined up the night before.

Make a list of tasks to do the following day, consolidate all your notes and get organised. By doing this, everything you’ve been working on will be fresh in your head, making it easier to remember and avoid missing anything.  Getting your thoughts down on paper should also help you rest more soundly says Simon Alexander Ong, coach and author of Energize: Make the Most of Every Moment.

A clear desk is a clear mind

At the end of each day, clear your desk. Organise your post-it notes and memos on a Dry Wipe Whiteboard or memo board so you don’t lose important information. Dispose of any actioned memos. This will make you feel much more positive when you arrive at your desk the next morning. Any cables should be neatly organised with cable tidies to create a more relaxing and enjoyable environment.

Set your intention for the day

Life coach Kerry McLaughlin recommends you set your intention for the day. As we spend time creating the perfect brand promise or company ethos, we should spend a couple of moments each day thinking about your intention for the day, which can then help to guide you with your decision-making.

Embrace mindfulness

Life coach and positive psychologist Yannick Jacob recommends spending just five minutes each morning practising mindfulness or any other form of meditation. Regular mindfulness will help you to work through distractions and become more productive both in your work life and home life. Avery isn’t the only advocate of mindfulness in his everyday routine. Both Oprah Winfrey and Ariana Huffington also recommend taking time to be mindful with a morning meditation each day.

Create a morning routine

To be the best you can be every working day, create a morning routine. So many leading entrepreneurs and successful businessmen swear by this. A routine means you have fewer decisions to make. It also enables you to train your brain to be in a work mindset at a specific point and build self-care into your day. Tony Robbins’ recommends combining positive affirmations, reading, mindfulness and breathing, but find a routine that works for you. Other morning routines could include meditation, exercise, taking time over a cup of your favourite coffee or enjoying a healthy breakfast. The routine and what’s in it is not as important as having a routine and sticking to it.

Plan your day to get work done

Richard Branson promotes the idea of getting up an hour earlier to beat the rest of the world and get work done while things are quiet. If you’re an early bird, this could work really well for you … but we aren’t all early birds.  Be aware of your productivity peaks and troughs and, if you perform better in the afternoon or evening, save your most taxing work until then and use the other part of the day for lighter duties such as admin, planning, or correspondence.

Eat the frog

Eat the frog – or if that sounds too unpalatable, do the things that you’re dreading first. Brian Tracy points out that often these tasks aren’t nearly as bad as you’d expected and, by getting them done, you’ll free up brain bandwidth to concentrate on other matters.

Stay hydrated

As well as your mental well-being and organisation, take time to consider your physical needs too. Your body needs around 2 litres of water each day. If you don’t get enough water, you are more likely to feel sluggish and suffer from headaches, which will stop you from performing at your best throughout the day. Keep a bottle of water with measuring marks on your desk and remember to drink from it regularly to keep your fluids topped up. Eco entrepreneur Russ Avery suggests you can practice deep breathing as you enjoy your water for an added mindfulness opportunity each day.  Deep breathing is easier if you’re standing up and even better, taking the opportunity to stand up for periods of time throughout your day can help you remain comfortable and more alert throughout the day. A sit/stand desk is a great way to do this.

If you’re looking to keep your office organised, or just to get advice on any office equipment, chat with our friendly advisors online or call us on 01295 565001.

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