BOX15 Interior Upscaling | Blog



Interior Upscaling – what is it and why is it so important?

Box 15 are interior upscaling specialists. However, you don’t come across the phrase interior upscaling every day – so what...
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Create efficient workflows in your hybrid office with the right set up

So many offices these days offer hybrid working. Part of the week at home, part in the office. But this...
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5 rules to achieve the perfect Microsoft Teams video call set up

A few years ago, a video call was an exception; a source of excitement in a calendar of wall-to-wall in-person...
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24-hour chairs and posture chairs. What makes them so comfortable?

Ever wondered what makes a 24-hour chair a 24-hour chair? I did. Until I tested the Ermal Plus Posture Chair...
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7 quick and easy steps to installing the Milan pop-up socket

Fitting the Milan pop-up socket couldn’t be easier. With so many different styles and configuration options, the Milan pop-up socket...
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The stylish, easy to fit pop-up socket that takes power where it’s needed

The Milan pop-up socket is an easy to fit socket extension that can help you deliver power to exactly where it’s needed....
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Kitchen design tips for a home hub you’ll love to spend time in

In this blog, we’ll be sharing with you some more kitchen design tips and secrets to help you create a...
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Avoid expensive mistakes: 6 things to think about before designing your kitchen

Designing a kitchen can be a daunting task. So much to think about and even the smallest mistakes can be...
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Revolutionise your mobile working with just one charger for everything

The Omni 20+ Power bank is widely recognised as one of the best power banks available. It’s portable and lightweight...
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The best way to divide your office space

Choosing how to divide your office space can be difficult. Around 20 years ago, open plan offices were all the...
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“It’s behind you!” – 5 Tips for creating a professional video call backdrop for your home office

Once again, the season of panto is upon us, and, unlike at the theatre where so much focus is placed on the words ‘he’s behind you’, how often do we actually consider what’s behind us? It’s so important to create a professional environment to place and take work calls, but are we really thinking carefully enough about what our backdrop says about us?

Bad backgrounds don’t simply give the wrong impression, they can be distracting too.

Here are 5 tips to help you create a professional backdrop that you can be proud of.

  1. Ensure your background is a neutral colour.
    Avoid bright colours and busy patterns that can distract your call attendees. These can render differently on-screen too, or clash with virtual backgrounds to distort your image. Neutral colours such as cream, light blue and light grey can keep you the focus of the call.
  2. Get your light right
    Three-point lighting Is the best for video calls. This uses a fill light, a key light and a backlight. Some people don’t have an office large enough or enough lights to achieve this easily. If this is you, try using two-point lighting. Two-point lighting for video calls is easily achieved with a standard ceiling light and a lamp. For the best results, consider investing in an LED ring/panel light which can give you a really professional look.
  3. Tidy up
    Clean and remove any distractions from your background including but not limiting yourself to any items such as laundry hanging on a radiator, dirty cups, pet paraphernalia or random boxes. Clear any shelves of clutter and chaos and consider carefully how you re-dress them.
  4. Stage your screen
    Consider what you want to be saying to the people on the call. Perhaps some strategically placed books that could illustrate your interest, or maybe a piece of sporting memorabilia that could spark conversation.
  5. Consider the props
    If you want to come across as academic or well-read, perhaps if you work in publishing or editing, then maybe a wall-mounted shelving system would be the perfect way to arrange your books within your backdrop. Alternatively, a compression storage and room divider system could equally help you separate a working area from a living area and provide a backdrop for your video calls.

Test your background before your call to make sure you’ve effectively prepared the full area that will be visible.

Other props that you could consider using could include desks or chairs. If you need advice on any of our products that you may need to achieve a professional video backdrop, we have friendly advisors available online or you can call us on 01295 565001.



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